Plains beaded horsehair quirt

Plains beaded horsehair quirt

Collections items are not for sale.
A reproduction can be purchased.

Titles: Plains beaded horsehair quirt (Supplied title)

Description: A Plains, possibly Dakota, beaded horsehair riding quirt, circa an unknown date. The quirt has a metal ring, brass beads, and blue beadwork with red quilled tassels at one end, a horsehair middle, and blue beadwork with red quilled tassels at the other end. The quirt was collected at Fort Totten, North Dakota.


  • Not later than 1920 (Date object was donated to the Minnesota Historical Society.) (Creation)


  • Accession Number: 6021.1

Holding Type: 3D Objects

Quantity: 1 item


  • Content Category: artifacts


  • 26 inches length
  • 3/4 inch diameter


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Plains beaded horsehair quirt

Collections items are not for sale.
A reproduction can be purchased.