Evening gown

Evening gown

Titles: Evening gown (Supplied title)

Description: Debutante's floor-length evening gown with short train. White net studded with glass beads over grayish pink silk crepe chiffon over pale yellowish pink silk taffeta. Made by Helen Gjertsen, Dayton's Department store dressmaker, Minneapolis, Minnesota, circa 1912.


  • 1910 - 1912 (Creation)



  • Accession Number: 1988.408.6

Holding Type: 3D Objects

Quantity: 1 item


  • Content Category: artifacts


  • 42 inches length (waist to hem, front)
  • 42 1/2 inches length (waist to hem, side)
  • 55 inches length (waist to hem, back)
  • 34 inches circumference (bustline)
  • 22 1/2 inches circumference (waistline)
  • 115 1/2 inches circumference (hem)


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Evening gown
Evening gown

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