Sokol gymnastics T-shirt


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Titles: Sokol gymnastics T-shirt (Supplied title)

Description: Sokol Gymnastics T-shirt. Cotton and polyester knit short-sleeve T-shirt that reads, "SOKOL / St. Paul / Minnesota / GYMNASTICS" around a large falcon insignia. This Sokol, located at CSPS Hall on West Seventh Street in St. Paul, Minnesota, was established in 1883 and remains an active social, cultural, educational and gymnastic organization.


  • 1978 (Use)
  • 1883 (Date Sokol Minnesota was established.) (Content)



  • Accession Number: 1978.77.1

Holding Type: 3D Objects

Quantity: 1 item


  • Content Category: artifacts


  • 33 inches length
  • 17 1/4 inches width (shoulder)


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A reproduction can be purchased.

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