Horse hoof pick tool

Horse hoof pick tool

Collections items are not for sale.
A reproduction can be purchased.

Titles: Horse hoof pick tool (Supplied title)

Description: A tool used to remove debris from horses' hooves, circa the 1880s. The tool has a worn wooden handle with a grooved notch and two blades: one slides into side of tool, the other is stationery with a pointed prong and flat surface hook. Used in Mandan, North Dakota, possibly by Dakota people.


  • Approximately 1888 (Use)



  • Accession Number: 66.154.9

Holding Type: 3D Objects

Quantity: 1 item


  • Content Category: artifacts


  • 2 1/2 inches length
  • 7/8 inches width
  • 1/2 inches depth


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Horse hoof pick tool

Collections items are not for sale.
A reproduction can be purchased.