Patent model dust collector

Patent model dust collector

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Titles: Patent model dust collector (Supplied title)

Description: Mahogany and tinned-iron patent model of a flour mill dust collector patented in 1879. Air to be cleaned arrives from the middlings-purifying station of a mill, entering at the bottom of the device and exiting the top. Dust collects on cloth filters as the air is forced through. A brass cam-shaft, driven by a maple belt-wheel, agitates the filters causing accumulated dust to fall to the bottom of the apparatus, where it is moved out by an auger-type conveyor. The introduction of dust-collecting machines to flour factories greatly increased the safety of the milling process, preventing dust-ignited explosions like the one that destroyed Minneapolis' Washburn A Mill in 1878.


  • 1879 (Patent date) (Creation)



  • Accession Number: 8879.107

Holding Type: 3D Objects

Quantity: 1 item


  • Content Category: artifacts


  • 13.5 centimeters height
  • 21.5 centimeters depth
  • 23 centimeters width


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Patent model dust collector

Collections items are not for sale.
A reproduction can be purchased.

Patent model dust collector

Collections items are not for sale.
A reproduction can be purchased.