Ojibwe maple sap strainer

Ojibwe maple sap strainer

Titles: Ojibwe maple sap strainer (Supplied title)

Description: Sieve made of thin bentwood cylinder that has been sewn together with nettle twine. The bottom is sewn with loosely woven black cloth that has a scalloped edge. The cloth is sewn to the wood cylinder twice; one seam runs parallel to the bottom, the other follows the scallops of the fabric. The object was used to strain out impurities from maple syrup after it had been boiled down.


  • Not later than 1959 (Creation)



  • Accession Number: 10000.468

Credit: Minnesota Historical Society Collections, The Harry and Jeannette Ayer Collection.


  • Jeannette O. and Harry D. Ayer Ojibwe Collection.

Holding Type: 3D Objects

Quantity: 1 item


  • Content Category: artifacts


  • 6 37/64 inches height
  • 5 1/8 inches width


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Ojibwe maple sap strainer

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