Ojibwe wooden sap spigots

Ojibwe wooden sap spigots

Titles: Ojibwe wooden sap spigots (Supplied title)

Description: Three Ojibwe wooden sap spigots. One spigot is entirely split lengthwise with a trough down the center, while the other two have one end that is tubular and hollow. Used to collect sugar maple sap.


  • Not later than 1961 (Creation)


  • Accession Number: 10000.60.A-C

Credit: Minnesota Historical Society Collections, The Harry and Jeannette Ayer Collection.


  • Jeannette O. and Harry D. Ayer Ojibwe Collection.

Holding Type: 3D Objects

Quantity: 3 items


  • Content Category: artifacts


  • 7 3/4 inches length (10000.60.A)
  • 1 inches diameter (10000.60.A)
  • 8 inches length (10000.60.B)
  • 1 inches diameter (10000.60.B)
  • 7 1/2 inches length (10000.60.C)
  • 1 1/2 inches diameter (10000.60.C)


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Ojibwe wooden sap spigots

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