Rookwood counter/advertising sign

Rookwood counter/advertising sign

Titles: Rookwood counter/advertising sign (Supplied title)

Description: Rectangular glazed earthenware countertop sign is marked "ROOKWOOD". The lower left corner depicts a large rook on a branch with forest background. Reverse is impressed "ROOKWOOD/ FAIENCE/ 1622 Y". Used by Henrietta Paist in her studio/shop in Saint Paul, Minn.


  • Approximately 1910 (Creation)
  • Not earlier than 1903 - Not later than 1925 (Creation)



  • Accession Number: 1990.562.1

Holding Type: 3D Objects

Quantity: 1 item


  • Content Category: artifacts


  • 11.5 centimeters height
  • 22.5 centimeters width
  • 2 centimeters depth


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Rookwood counter/advertising sign

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