Soldier's painted canvas haversack


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Titles: Soldier's painted canvas haversack (Supplied title)

Description: Black painted canvas haversack has an attached brass plate reading "Cooking utensils contained in haversack made by C.R. Woods of St. Peter, Minn., and presented to Mathias [sic] Schlinker Co. E 2nd Minn. Veteran Vol., infantry and carried by him in Atlanta campaign in 1864 to Savannah, thence to Washington, D.C. and in July 1865 returned by Schlinker to C.R. Woods." It originally contained a water pail (ID Number 62.H39), sugar canister (ID Number 63.H40), plate (ID Number 64.H41), skillet (ID Number 65.H42), and spice container (ID Number 66.H43).


  • Not earlier than 1861 - Not later than 1865 (Civil War) (Use)



  • Accession Number: 61.H38


  • This is an example of a military accoutrement used during the U.S. Civil War.

Holding Type: 3D Objects

Quantity: 1 item


  • Content Category: artifacts


  • 30 inches height (with strap extended)
  • 14 1/2 inches height (haversack body)
  • 13 inches width
  • 4 3/4 inches depth


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A reproduction can be purchased.

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