Painting- Governor Rudy G. Perpich and Lola Perpich

Painting- Governor Rudy G. Perpich and Lola Perpich

Titles: Painting- Governor Rudy G. Perpich and Lola Perpich (Supplied title)

Description: Governor and Mrs. Perpich are posing for an official portrait in the Governor's office. Lola Perpich is sitting in a chair on the right side of the painting. Rudy G. Perpich is standing behind her to the left.


  • Exactly 1976 - 1991 Term in office (1976-1979 and 1983-1991). Painting commissioned in 1998 and hung in Minnesota State Capitol in 2000. (Content)
  • 2000 (Creation)



  • Accession Number: AV1999.219
  • Negative Number: 86028


  • Official governor's portrait.

Holding Type: Art

Quantity: 1 painting


  • Content Category: paintings
  • Medium/Materials: oil
  • Colorization: color
  • Physical Support: canvas


  • 66 x 51.5 x 6.5 inches (frame)


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Painting- Governor Rudy G. Perpich and Lola Perpich
Painting- Governor Rudy G. Perpich and Lola Perpich

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  1. Susan M.
    January 14, 2019
    This image will be used in a blog for Lakewood Cemetery.
  2. Photo and Art Database Admin (MNHS Staff)
    March 22, 2019
    Please see the Gale Family Library FAQ - Images page ( ) for information on ordering and use of images or contact with any questions.