Selwyn Chief iron

Selwyn Chief iron

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A reproduction can be purchased.

Titles: Selwyn Chief iron (Supplied title)

Description: Selwyn Chief electric iron with maroon dial on top that may be turned to select the ironing temperature (Low, 1 - 5, and High). The yellow, grey, and black striped cord exits the iron at the black resin (estimate) handle through a metal spring. Marked: MODEL A150 SERIAL 117430.


  • Not earlier than 1930 - Not later than 1939 (Data on website indicates that production of the Selwyn Engineering Co.'s 'Chief' model A150 Thermostat iron, with painted wood handle and cast aluminum cowl. probably dates mid- to late 1930s.) (Creation)



  • Accession Number: 2010.93.1

Holding Type: 3D Objects

Quantity: 1 item


  • Content Category: artifacts


  • 5 1/8 inches height (iron)
  • 9 3/4 inches length (iron)
  • 5 1/8 inches width (iron)
  • 6 3/4 inches length (cord)
  • 6 3/4 inches width (iron with cord bundled beside)


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Selwyn Chief iron

Collections items are not for sale.
A reproduction can be purchased.

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