Map of the city of Fort Snelling, Minnesota : at the confluence of the Mississippi & Minnesota rivers / surveyed August 1857 by Thomas I. Moncure.

Fort Snelling 1857

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Titles: Map of the city of Fort Snelling, Minnesota : at the confluence of the Mississippi & Minnesota rivers / surveyed August 1857 by Thomas I. Moncure. (Supplied title)

Description: This 1857 map shows the city Franklin Steele planned to build on the Fort Snelling Military Reserve. Steele purchased the reservation from the United States government earlier in the same year.


  • Exactly 1857 (Creation)



  • Library Call Number: G4144 .F675 1857 .M65 6F

Holding Type: Maps

Quantity: 1 map


  • Content Category: maps & atlases
  • Format: map



  • Name: Franklin Steele's House, Hennepin County, Minnesota, United States

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Fort Snelling 1857

Collections items are not for sale.
A reproduction can be purchased.

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