Employment contract between Lawrence Taliaferro and Samuel Pond

Employment contract between Lawrence Taliaferro and Samuel Pond

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Titles: Employment contract between Lawrence Taliaferro and Samuel Pond (Supplied title)

Description: This contract. written by Lawrence Taliaferro and dated October 1, 1838, assigns the title of "farmer and instructor of agriculture" to Samuel Pond, indicating his assignment to teach farming methods at the Mdewakanton Dakota village near Lake Calhoun. The contract obligates Pond to work under the terms of the treaty between the Dakota and the United States signed on September 29, 1837. It also describes Pond's duties and explains how he will receive compensation.


  • Exactly 10/01/1838 (Creation)




  • Pond family papers, 1833-1970 (bulk 1833-1935). View finding aid at at http://www.mnhs.org/library/findaids/00717.xml.

Holding Type: Manuscripts - Component - Item

Quantity: 1 item


  • Content Category: text



  • Name: Indian Agency, Hennepin County, Minnesota, United States

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Employment contract between Lawrence Taliaferro and Samuel Pond

Collections items are not for sale.
A reproduction can be purchased.


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