St. Peters Indian Agency Records: Correspondence, 1820-1829

St. Peters Indian Agency Records: Correspondence, 1820-1829

Titles: St. Peters Indian Agency Records: Correspondence, 1820-1829 (Supplied title)

Description: Journal kept by Lawrence Taliaferro, Indian Agent of St. Peters from 1820-1839. Includes copies of letters sent by Taliaferro to Colonel Henry Leavenworth, Jean-Baptiste Faribault, General William Clark, Alexis Bailly and the United States Department of War. An index of notable letters is enclosed at the end of the volume.


  • Not earlier than 1820 - Not later than 1829 (Creation)




  • Lawrence Taliaferro papers, 1813-1868. View finding aid at

Holding Type: Manuscripts - Component - Item

Quantity: 1 volume


  • Content Category: text



  • Name: Indian Agency, Hennepin County, Minnesota, United States

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St. Peters Indian Agency Records: Correspondence, 1820-1829


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  1. G. M.
    November 14, 2018
    I would like to access Taliaferro papers and correspondence online, if possible, as I am apparently a descendent of the mother of Shakopee, the Ojibwa chief, who seems also to have been the Dakota Shakopee of the Minnesota Territorial years. I am also a descendent of James McBoal, Ramsey's Adjutant General of the Territory. I have no current plans to publish, and would approach MHS in any event, with publishable materials.
  2. Photo and Art Database Admin (MNHS Staff)
    November 15, 2018
    Thank you for your comment, your request has been forwarded to For further assistance, please direct your questions there.