Oral history interview with Edson W. Spencer

Oral history interview with Edson W. Spencer

Titles: Oral history interview with Edson W. Spencer (Supplied title)

Description: BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Edson W. Spencer was born in Illinois in 1926, and was educated at William College and at Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar. He worked for Sears Roebuck before joining Honeywell, Inc. in 1954. He became president and CEO of Honeywell in 1974 until his retirement in 1987. He was elected a trustee of the Ford Foundation in 1977, and served as the Foundation's chairman from 1988-1992. SUBJECTS DISCUSSED: Early life in Chicago and Pennsylvania; education at Williams College and at Oxford University; service in the U.S. Navy; work with Sears Roebuck and life in Venezuela as a Sears representative. He discussed the decision to join Honeywell 1954, life in postwar Japan developing Honeywell business; lifelong interest in Japan and in Asian affairs; service as president and CEO of Honeywell; the company's ventures in to computers and aviation technology; and his work with the Ford Foundation and the Mayo Clinic Foundation.


  • 12/01/2009 (Creation)



  • Library Call Number: OH 122
  • Accession Number: AV2010.44

Credit: Digitized with support from the Ken and Nina Rothchild Endowed Fund for Business History and Women's History.

Holding Type: Oral History - Interview

Quantity: 2 hours sound cassette 35 pages transcript


  • Content Category: sound recordings
  • Content Category: text


  • 00:37:34 running time


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Oral history interview with Edson W. Spencer



Audio Part 1

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Audio Part 2

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Audio Part 3

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