A Sioux Woman's Account of the Uprising in Minnesota

A Sioux Woman's Account of the Uprising in Minnesota

Titles: A Sioux Woman's Account of the Uprising in Minnesota (Supplied title)

Description: Written by ethnologist Frances Densmore in 1934, this account of the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862 draws upon the memories of Good Star Woman (Wicahpewastewin or Wicanhpiwastewin), a Mdewakanton Dakota woman who was eight years old during the conflict. The account includes background to the conflict, recollections of time spent in the internment camp at Fort Snelling after the war, and the removal of the Dakota people from Minnesota.


  • 05/17/1934 (Creation)




  • Frances Densmore papers, 1926-1939.

Holding Type: Manuscripts - Component - Item

Quantity: 1 item


  • Content Category: text



  • Name: Dakota Internment Camp at Fort Snelling, Hennepin County, Minnesota, United States

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A Sioux Woman's Account of the Uprising in Minnesota


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