Booker T. Cafe & Tavern, 381-383 Rondo, St. Paul.

Booker T. Cafe & Tavern, 381-383 Rondo, St. Paul.

Collections items are not for sale.
A reproduction can be purchased.

Titles: Booker T. Cafe & Tavern, 381-383 Rondo, St. Paul. (Supplied title)


  • 06/09/1960 (Content)



  • Locator Number: MR2.9 SP3.1B p118
  • Negative Number: 49906

Holding Type: Photographs

Quantity: 1 photoprint


  • Content Category: photographs
  • Format: photoprint
  • Colorization: black and white
  • Physical Support: paper


  • 8 x 10 inches



  • Name: 381-383 Rondo Avenue, Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, United States

How can we help?

Booker T. Cafe & Tavern, 381-383 Rondo, St. Paul.

Collections items are not for sale.
A reproduction can be purchased.

Community notes

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  • provide any additional information that will help us better understand or interpret these items
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Have a question? Contact the Gale Family Library

  1. William J.
    July 17, 2017
    Confirm my niece's comment, that is her grandmother. That sure looks like my/our mother LaVern Johnson. My sibling's confirm this, as this photo appears to be before my birth.
  2. Chandra D.
    August 30, 2016
    Chandra Dayland - The woman in the photo (My Grandmother) is Laverne Johnson who loved BBQ and lived in the neighborhood with 3 children and married to Frank Oliver Johnson Jr at that time.
  3. H B.
    November 16, 2009
    Booker T's was a great place for ribs. It also had a few fights etc. but never allowed underage - except for food and was fairly responsible as businesses go. This appears to be a 1955 or 1956 era photo. Ober Boys Club was a block away, the athletic field across the street and another bar and pool hall just up the block to the north. Rondo was more than a neighborhood - it was home to a lot of great people.
  4. Photo and Art Database Admin (MNHS Staff)
    November 24, 2009
    The date for this photo was assigned by the St. Paul Pioneer Press when it was donated and will not be changed at this time.