Timothy J. Sheehan

Timothy J. Sheehan

Collections items are not for sale.
A reproduction can be purchased.

Titles: Timothy J. Sheehan (Supplied title)


  • Approximately 1865 (Creation)
  • Approximately 1865 (Content)



  • Locator Number: Reserve Album 37, page 9, no.144
  • Use Copy Locator Number: por 16101 r2
  • Negative Number: 88102


  • Photographs of Minnesota Volunteers, 1861 to 1866, Reserve Album 37.

Holding Type: Photographs

Quantity: 1 photoprint


  • Content Category: photographs
  • Format: photoprint
  • Colorization: black and white
  • Physical Support: paper


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Timothy J. Sheehan

Collections items are not for sale.
A reproduction can be purchased.

Community notes

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  • provide any additional information that will help us better understand or interpret these items
  • provide information that clarifies historical context of the item
  • report an error in the description

Have a question? Contact the Gale Family Library

  1. Photo and Art Database Admin (MNHS Staff)
    March 22, 2019
    Thank you for your interest. In clicking the Buy button on this page you will be directed to a form where you can select what type of image and size you would like as well as the reasons for use. Please contact the Gale Family Library with any further questions: http://sites.mnhs.org/library/content/contact-us
  2. Jenna P.
    January 30, 2019
    I am interested in purchasing a high-resolution digital copy, or physical copy, of this picture.