View of housing development near John Tierney farm, Sixty Second Street and Penn Avenue South, Richfield

View of housing development near John Tierney farm, Sixty Second Street and Penn Avenue South, Richfield

Collections items are not for sale.
A reproduction can be purchased.

Titles: View of housing development near John Tierney farm, Sixty Second Street and Penn Avenue South, Richfield (Supplied title)


  • 1954 (Creation)
  • 02/18/1954 (Content)



  • Negative Number: 38227
  • Use Copy Locator Number: MH5.9 RF1 p4
  • Negative Number: 38227

Holding Type: Photographs

Quantity: 1 photonegative


  • Content Category: photographs
  • Format: negative
  • Colorization: black and white


  • 4 x 5 inches



  • Name: Richfield, Hennepin County, Minnesota, United States

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View of housing development near John Tierney farm, Sixty Second Street and Penn Avenue South, Richfield

Collections items are not for sale.
A reproduction can be purchased.

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