Women working on the Burma-Shave assembly line, Burma-Vita Company, 2318 Chestnut Avenue West, Minneapolis

Women working on the Burma-Shave assembly line, Burma-Vita Company, 2318 Chestnut Avenue West, Minneapolis

Collections items are not for sale.
A reproduction can be purchased.

Titles: Women working on the Burma-Shave assembly line, Burma-Vita Company, 2318 Chestnut Avenue West, Minneapolis (Supplied title)


  • 1941 (Creation)
  • 05/09/1941 (Content)



  • Negative Number: NP 137932
  • Use Copy Locator Number: Norton & Peel 137932
  • Negative Number: NP 137932
  • Link to Finding Aid


  • Norton & Peel photograph collection.
  • Client: Burma-Shave

Holding Type: Photographs

Quantity: 1 photonegative


  • Content Category: photographs
  • Format: negative
  • Colorization: black and white
  • Physical Support: acetate film


  • 8 inches height
  • 10 inches width



  • Name: 2318 W Chestnut Avenue, Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, United States

How can we help?

Women working on the Burma-Shave assembly line, Burma-Vita Company, 2318 Chestnut Avenue West, Minneapolis

Collections items are not for sale.
A reproduction can be purchased.

Community notes

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  • provide any additional information that will help us better understand or interpret these items
  • provide information that clarifies historical context of the item
  • report an error in the description

Have a question? Contact the Gale Family Library

  1. Shawn B.
    December 22, 2020
    Hello, My name is Shawn Brawford. I used to work in this building from 2011 until October of 2020. At that time is was Accent Signage Systems, but we have been purchased and moved to Burnsville. This building has always interested me and I'm wondering how I may get pictures of it from the Burma Shave days in a larger size if possible either digital or print.