Rondo Oral History Project: Interview with James Stafford Griffin

Rondo Oral History Project: Interview with James Stafford Griffin

Titles: Rondo Oral History Project: Interview with James Stafford Griffin (Supplied title)

Description: BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: James Stafford Griffin was born at 587 Rondo. He grew up in this racially integrated neighborhood in the 1920s. His father was a dining car waiter for the Northern Pacific. He went to college in West Virginia and later worked for the Saint Paul Police Department. SUBJECTS DISCUSSED: Growing up in the Rondo; difference between a railroad employee and a Pullman car employee; experiencing discrimination of "Jim Crow" life while traveling to West Virginia; history of blacks in the St. Paul Police Department from the 1930s; discrimination he faced in applying for employment. COMMENTS ON INTERVIEW: This is a portion of an oral history interview done for the Saint Paul Police Department.


  • 1997 - 05/11/1998 (Interviews conducted 5/1/1998 and 5/11/1998; radio interview from 1997.) (Creation)




  • There is no audio for this interview.

Holding Type: Oral History - Interview


Quantity: 38 pages transcript


  • Content Category: text


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Rondo Oral History Project: Interview with James Stafford Griffin
