Rondo Oral History Project: Interview with Gladys Versie Clemons Miller

Rondo Oral History Project: Interview with Gladys Versie Clemons Miller

Titles: Rondo Oral History Project: Interview with Gladys Versie Clemons Miller (Supplied title)

Description: BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Gladys Versie Clemons Miller cared for her elderly parents while her brothers worked to support the family. She worked in sales at downtown department stores and helped her husband get a position at the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant. She put her money into the family grocery store and belonged to social clubs in the community. SUBJECTS DISCUSSED: Her family history and how they came to Minnesota; challenges working in sales at downtown department stores; employment challenges black men faced even with a college degree; investment in the family grocery store; belonging to social clubs and cooking for Cameo Social Club meetings; importance of the Pentecostal Church in her life; frustration and disappointment when the I-94 project left her family at a disadvantaged position with the loss of property.


  • 03/12/2003 - 02/23/2004 (Interviews conducted 3/12/2003 and 2/23/2004.) (Creation)




  • There is no audio for this interview.

Holding Type: Oral History - Interview


Quantity: 40 pages transcript


  • Content Category: text


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Rondo Oral History Project: Interview with Gladys Versie Clemons Miller
