Rondo Oral History Project: Interview with Floyd George Smaller, Jr. and Marvin Roger Anderson

Rondo Oral History Project: Interview with Floyd George Smaller, Jr. and Marvin Roger Anderson

Titles: Rondo Oral History Project: Interview with Floyd George Smaller, Jr. and Marvin Roger Anderson (Supplied title)

Description: BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: The idea to have a parade and celebrate commemorating Rondo started when Marvin and Floyd remembered all the fun things that happened to them on Rondo. Two friends who shared this neighborhood and their commitment to giving life to Rondo's beautiful memories began the process, calling their first meeting for July 4, 1982 and announcing a dream to meet after one year. After this, the project became a huge success as more people got involved and worked to make this celebration a reality. SUBJECTS DISCUSSED: How the Rondo Celebration idea initially began; the people that were involved and the fundraising procedure that made this celebration a success; its conflict with the Taste of Minnesota. COMMENTS ON INTERVIEW: Focus here is on the creation of Rondo Days, a community festival.


  • 02/13/2004 (Creation)




  • There is no audio for this interview.

Holding Type: Oral History - Interview


Quantity: 25 pages transcript


  • Content Category: text


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Rondo Oral History Project: Interview with Floyd George Smaller, Jr. and Marvin Roger Anderson
