Ojibwe cloth female costume doll

Ojibwe cloth female costume doll

Titles: Ojibwe cloth female costume doll (Supplied title)

Description: Stuffed cloth female doll has a white muslin face with penciled features and black braided wool yarn hair; the braids are tied together at the bottom. The doll wears a black knee-length wool dress with straps, a separate unit of long sleeves and a pair of leggings. The dress is sleeveless, has a front and back flap at the bodice, and wide shoulder straps which hang over the chest and are edged in glass seed beads and red yarn. The sleeve unit has a red cloth edging around all edges except under arms where it is open. The sleeves are sewn to the dress, though in a full-size dress such sleeves would be detachable. There is a braided red wool yarn waist sash. The leggings are each made of one piece of wool sewn together at the outer sides and are decorated at the bottom and lower outseam with three zigzag lines of white beads, gold ribbon, and a red cloth border. White beads also decorate the dress in two zigzag lines at the hem and in the center of the bodice at the upper edge using six pairs of beads. The doll wears undecorated leather moccasins with soft soles and no cuffs. She also has a necklace of three strands of black seed beads. This clothing style was common among Ojibwe woman from early contact with Europeans through the 19th century.


  • Not earlier than 1800 - Not later than 1899 (Creation)



  • Accession Number: 10000.381

Credit: Minnesota Historical Society Collections, The Harry and Jeannette Ayer Collection.


  • Jeannette O. and Harry D. Ayer Ojibwe Collection.

Holding Type: 3D Objects

Quantity: 1 item


  • Content Category: artifacts


  • 10 5/8 inches length


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Ojibwe cloth female costume doll

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