Oral history interview with Sigurd F. Olson

Titles: Oral history interview with Sigurd F. Olson (Supplied title)

Description: BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION: Born 1899. Conservationist. Past President of the National Parks Association and the Wilderness Society. Author - The Singing Wilderness, Listening Point, The Lonely Land, Ruins of the North, Open Horizons, Wilderness Days. SUBJECTS DISCUSSED: Childhood, education. Early conservationist efforts. Boundary Waters Canoe Area. The interest of youth in the environment. The importance of the wilderness. His writing. Robert Herbst's work as Minnesota Department of Natural Resources commissioner.


  • 05/27/1976 (Creation)



  • Library Call Number: OH 71
  • Accession Number: AV2000.166

Holding Type: Oral History - Interview

Quantity: 3 audio files 46 pages transcript


  • Content Category: sound recordings
  • Content Category: text


  • 01:58:07 running time


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Audio Part 1

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Audio Part 2

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Audio Part 3

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  1. Ross
    August 05, 2020
    Hello, thank you for this wonderful look into the life and perspective of Sigurd Olson. I was wondering if you could direct me to the rest of the audio portion of the interview? Thank you in advance -Ross