Minnesota Black History Project

Titles: Minnesota Black History Project (Supplied title)

Description: In 1974 the Minnesota Historical Society used funds provided by the Northwest Area Foundation to collect and organize materials germane to the history of blacks in Minnesota. During two summers the staff of the Minnesota Black History Project, under the direction of David V. Taylor, collected records of organizations, institutions, clubs and churches, as well as personal papers, genealogies, photographs and oral interviews. The series includes the oral history interviews conducted for this project as well as some earlier interviews Taylor undertook in doing research for his doctoral dissertation. A more complete description of these interviews and of other material in the Society's collections relating to blacks is contained in Blacks in Minnesota: A Preliminary Guide to Historical Sources compiled by David V. Taylor and published by the Society in 1976.


  • 1970 - 1975 (Creation)




  • Library Call Number: OH 43

Holding Type: Oral History - Project

Quantity: 1 project 53 hours sound cassette 728 pages transcript


  • Content Category: sound recordings
  • Content Category: text


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  1. Tim P.
    September 30, 2013
    Awesome! Kudos for putting this online. I recently had looked at the book, "The Negro in Minnesota", published in 1961 and saw 5 interviews listed in the bibliography there and lamented that they probably were in the possession of the author and never saw the light of day. I was actually doing online searches to see if I was wrong, and your site came up as I was searching for the interviewee Louis Moore. More than likely, the Louis Moore who was interviewed for the book in 1958 & 1960 is the one that is part of your 1974 project.