Stilwater prison Warden Jack Young

Titles: Stilwater prison Warden Jack Young (Supplied title)

Description: Footage showing exterior of prison and damage to the interior of the prison. Stillwater Prison Warden Jack Young is seen briefly, ushering a group of people in to the prison.Transcribed Title: Stilwater prison Warden Jack Young


  • 09/04/1969 (Creation)



  • Video Clip Number: 38893

Credit: KSTP-TV Archive, Minnesota Historical Society

Holding Type: Moving Images

Quantity: 1 film segment


  • Content Category: moving images
  • Format: film
  • Standard sound aperture, reduced frame
  • Film reel
  • Color
  • Sound on medium
  • Magnetic sound track on film
  • Magnetic stripe sound
  • Original reversal film
  • B wind


  • 16 millimeters width



  • Name: Stillwater Prison

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Video Stilwater prison Warden Jack Young

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