World War I bonus file, warrant number 101902: Van Lear, Howard T.

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Titles: World War I bonus file, warrant number 101902: Van Lear, Howard T. (Supplied title)


  • Exactly 1919 - Approximately 1943 A 1919 Minnesota State Law authorized relief assistance payments for anyone who was a Minnesota resident at the time they entered into military or naval service associated with the United States in World War I (after 4/6/1917 but before 11/11/1918) and who received an honorable discharge. Payments were made until at least 1943. (Creation)




  • Minnesota. Office of the Adjutant General. World War I bonus files and index.

Holding Type: Government Records

Quantity: 1 file


  • Content Category: text



  • Name: Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota, United States

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