Woolson funeral.

Woolson funeral.

Titles: Woolson funeral. (Supplied title)


  • Exactly 08/06/1956 (Content)
  • Exactly 08/06/1956 (Creation)



  • Locator Number: GT3.7 p154
  • Accession Number: AV2016.17


  • Caption on verso: L-R: SFC Donald A. Anderson, and M/Sgt. Leslie E. Kesti, both of Cloquet, Minn., members of Hq Btry, 257th Gun Bn., Minnesota National Guard, sentries of honor at bier of the late Albert Woolson, 109, last GAR veteran, in funeral home chapel where thousands of Duluth residents and visitors paid final respects on August, 4th and 5th to a distinguished citizen.
  • U.S. Army photo by SFC James R. Kuska, Signal Services, Hq., Fifth Army.

Holding Type: Photographs

Quantity: 1 photoprint


  • Content Category: photographs
  • Colorization: black and white
  • Emulsion: gelatin silver
  • Format: photoprint
  • Physical Support: paper


  • 8 inches height
  • 10 inches width


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Woolson funeral.

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