Power line

Titles: Power line (Supplied title)

Description: Report on powerline protestors spraying ammonia fertilizer at state troopers and surveyors. There were no injuries and one arrest. Piles of tires have also been burned to draw away the attention of troopers.Program Title: KSTP newsProgram Type: Package


  • 02/15/1978 (Date aired.) (Use)



  • Video Clip Number: KSTP-T0095-37


Credit: KSTP-TV Archive, Minnesota Historical Society

Holding Type: Moving Images

Quantity: 1 video segment


  • Content Category: moving images
  • U-matic
  • videocassette
  • color


  • 3/4 inch width
  • 00:38:58 hours:minutes:seconds timecode start
  • 00:01:10 hours:minutes:seconds duration



  • Name: Pope County, Minnesota, United States

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Video Power line

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