Library Hours

The Gale Family Library is open for in-person research

Thursday: 10am to 4pm 
Friday: 10am to 4pm 
Saturday: 10am to 4pm

Library staff also assist researchers via phone, email, virtual viewings, and other distance services.

Upcoming Holiday Hours 

  • Memorial Day (Monday, May 26) - CLOSED and no group visits scheduled (Library is always closed on Mondays)
  • Independence Day (Friday, July 4) - CLOSED and no group visits scheduled
  • Labor Day (Monday, September 1) - CLOSED and no group visits scheduled (Library is always closed on Mondays)


For same-day research

  • You can arrive anytime we are open on a given day. (Note: we do stop pulling materials from the stacks 30 minutes before we close.)
  • Stop at the Reference Desk for a table–open research stations and equipment are assigned on a first-come-first-served basis, so they cannot be guaranteed.
  • To request materials in advance or hold materials for another day, please make an appointment.

To make an appointment in advance

Use our online self-service system to make your own appointment up to 12 hours before the start time. Or call us and we can help (651-259-3300). 

Advantages of appointments

  • Items can be waiting at your table when you arrive! 
    • Use the link in your confirmation email to request up to 3 items in advance.
  • Save waiting time on your next visit by holding materials for a future date/time.
  • Guarantee a table/station in the research room of your choice
    • Reserve a specific type of microfilm machine (scanner, printer) or a dedicated computer-only station
  • Receive direct email communication in cases of unplanned closures like winter weather. 
  • Specify if you have particular needs for your workstation (near an electrical outlet, accessible table, number of chairs at your table)--we’ll do our best to accommodate
  • Help with library preparation by Indicating if you will be working with oversized materials, photographic negatives, institutional records, legislative research, etc.  

If you have a research emergency (e.g. an immediate court filing deadline) and cannot find a research time that will work for you, please call 651-259-3300. We will do our best to help you through either an in-person research visit or a distance option.

For more information please see

Have any questions or need assistance?  
We’re here to help!

Please contact us via:

See our research self-help page for quick answers to the most commonly asked questions.