Minnesota Historical Society Highlights Collections Care During History Matters Day at the Capitol

Participants will get an up-close view of artifacts dating back almost 175 years

For immediate release


ST. PAUL, Minn (February 22, 2024) – The Minnesota Historical Society (MNHS) is asking supporters to speak up for history on February 29 during History Matters Day at the Capitol. The 18th annual event will showcase the important role collections care and stewardship plays in preserving Minnesota history so it can be shared with future generations. Select items from MNHS’s collections will be on display, which range from artifacts from the 1850s to recent additions.

During the 2024 legislative session, MNHS is asking the state to provide appropriations for facility improvements for collections care and visitor experience. Funding is also being requested for historic sites asset preservation to keep up with deteriorating buildings, roof replacements, security, accessibility, and other infrastructure upgrades; and for county and local historic preservation grants which help publicly owned historic structures provide a unique lens on Minnesota history.

To provide examples of significant collections under the care of the Minnesota Historical Society, MNHS will display at History Matters Day at the Capitol parts of the archives of 1st Minnesota Soldier Rasselus Mowry, who fought in the Battle of Gettysburg. This collection includes nearly 100 letters written between 1861 and 1865. Many of these artifacts will need cleaning, flattening, and other minor repairs to allow for safe handling and digitization.

Participants will also get their first chance to see a recent addition to the collections, a signed goalie mask worn by Marc-André Fleury of the Minnesota Wild during the team’s Native American Heritage night. MNHS purchased the mask, designed by Mdewakanton Dakota artist Cole Redhorse Taylor. Mowry’s archives, Fleury’s mask, and other items on display exemplify MNHS’s ongoing efforts to present, preserve, and share the state’s stories.

History Matters Day begins with opening remarks and an information fair at 9 am on February 29 in room G-19 at the Minnesota State Capitol and will also be live-streamed via Zoom. This annual event is an opportunity for the public to meet with state legislators and discuss the importance of preserving and sharing Minnesota’s rich history. Participants are encouraged to share personal stories of how they or their organization has benefitted from state funding and say thanks for previous support.

Supporters can learn more and get involved with History Matters Day at the Capitol 2024 at mnhs.org/historymatters. Those who plan on participating can register to attend in person at the Capitol or virtually via Zoom.

About the Minnesota Historical Society
The Minnesota Historical Society is a non-profit educational and cultural institution established in 1849. MNHS collects, preserves, and tells the story of Minnesota’s past through museum exhibits, libraries and collections, historic sites, educational programs, and book publishing. Using the power of history to transform lives, MNHS preserves our past, shares our state’s stories, and connects people with history.