Gilbert Henry Stephenson. Application No. 5151. Letter from L. H. Christie to Board of Pardons, March 2, 1921.

Type of event: Incarcerations

Location: Minnesota; United States

Addressee: Board of Pardons

Addressor: L. H. Christie


Minnesota. Board of Pardons.
Gilbert Henry Stephenson: Application No. 5151.
Pardon Application. File no. 5151, 1921
Letter from L. H. Christie to Board of Pardons, March 2, 1921.

Image text

Duluth, Minnesota
March 2, 1921.

To The Board of Pardons of the State of Minnesota,

Believing that an unjust verdict was arrived at, and that he is being unjustly imprisoned, I wish to call your attention to the case of Gilbert H. Stephenson, lately sentenced to a term of not more than five years in Stillwater, for an alleged participation in a riot in this city the fifteenth of last June.
That he did not commit or intend to commit any offense, but was only a bystander is the opinion of ninety percent of the people of St. Louis County.
I therefor (sic) ask that your honorable body grant him an unconditional pardon.
Respectfully yours,

L. H. Christie
325 W 1st St